Well, here we are already in the month of February 08. Time is flying by so fast. I (Chris) am on call as a substitute teacher for a couple of Christian schools here in town, but I'm also working as a receptionist at the Wiregrass Museum of Art on the wkends. Both jobs are perfect for me since I want to be involved within the community & still be afforded the time to invest in preparing for our next adventure!
Speaking of such ... God kept bringing the word "legacy" to our hearts thru the month of January and after studying its definitions and connotations, we realized the idea really sums up all that we feel & want to see accomplished through ministry.
Therefore, we have named this new work "Legacy Church". We are so excited about what God is already doing ... even though we haven't started meeting yet! We have been blessed to fellowship with several local people & share our hearts about what we believe God wants to do here in the Wiregrass area & how we see Legacy fitting into that. We are also meeting with regional Sr. Pastors to share with them our hearts and intentions. It has been vitally important to us to clearly communicate that we are not here to compete with them, but to do kingdom together. So far, so good.
There are several families who are preparing to re-locate to Dothan by June 1st. Not only are we thankful for their zeal in running with us to see this vision come to pass, we are even more thankful to God that He called them to the work of Legacy! We can hardly wait for them join us on this exciting & stretching journey. After their arrival, we will start meeting as a Church privately throughout the summer & early fall. As of today, we believe the public launch to the Dothan / Wiregrass area will be in early October, although we are still praying about the specific timetable.
We'd love to invite you to check out http://www.legacydothan.com/ so that you can see what we've been up to ... finalizing vision statements, core values, etc. Presently, we're in the midst of filing all the necessary paperwork to secure a non-profit status as a church.
We sincerely covet your prayers as this has been the biggest faith-leap we have ever taken in our lives! Although we are terrified & excited at the same time, we are confident because we know we are in His perfect will.
We love you all very much!
Chris & Lisa
P.S. Keep checking back for more exciting adventures in the continuing saga of the Frith family!
Like the name. Looking forward to hearing all that God does in Dothan through you guys. ~Wesley
How exciting!! And honestly what an amazing name for a fellowship! LEGACY, umm what a powerful declaration! I'm so thrilled for you guys, I know the hand of God is on what the two of you have been destined to do. Never stop being who He's called you to be Pastor!
Much Love from Dallas, Tim
Clint and I look forward to hearing more about your exciting journey! God bless!
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